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Welcome to Heart Diagnostic Imaging

At Heart Diagnostic Imaging we provide continuum care through diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of cardiac conditions including:


  • Atherosclerotic Heart Disease

  • Coronary Artery Disease

  • Valvular Heart Disease

  • Congestive Heart Failure

  • Cardiac Arrhythmias

  • Hypertension & Hypertensive Heart Disease



Other services provided include: 

  • Cardiac Risk Factor Reduction

  • Cardiovascular Evaluation

​Tests Performed:

  • Electrocardiograms

  • Echocardiograms

  • Radionuclide (Thallium) Stress Tests

  • Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnostic Study (Holter Monitoring)

  • Cardiovascular Studies


Holter Monitor

This Device is used to record the heart beat for a period of time in order to correlate undiagnosed symptoms such as heart flutters, palpitations, rapid beats, unusual awarenes of the heart beat and panic attacks to heart rhythm disturbances. It is also used to diagnose heart arrhythmias in patients without symptoms but with a risk of developing dangerous heart rhythm disorders. 

Radionuclide (Thallium) Stress Tests

Myocardial Perfusion Imaging utilizes the most modern isotope technique. This stress testing method, both with and without exercise, is the most sensitive non-invasive test to diagnose significant blockage in the blood vessels of the heart. This non-invasive test is also used with high accuracy to monitor patients with angina, history of a heart attack, angioplasty, stent and after heart bypass surgery. In addition, it has been recently used for the precise diagnosis of enlarged hearts as well as abnormal function and thickness of the heart muscle

Carotid Doppler

This quick and painless test uses an ultrasound sensor to measure the blood flow in the arteries of the neck. This allows for the determination of existing blockage and thereby helps diagnose risk for the most common cause of stroke.

Echocardiograms (Sonogram)

The same technology that allows one to watch a fetus turn somersaults in the womb, can also reveal the heart in motion. This non-invasive test using sound waves to create a real time picture of the heart, is used to visualize the heart muscle, its function and thickness. It is also used to see the heart valves in order to determine the presence, diagnose the cause, and monitor individuals with heart murmurs. 

Electrocardiograms ( EKG)

This is the most frequently used tool in cardiology. It is painless and non-invasive, producing an  "electrical picture" of the heart rhythm and patterns. It is used to help diagnose many of the most common types of heart disease. 

Heart Diagnostic Imaging          Martin Handler MD FACC FASNC        38 Northern Blvd. Great Neck NY, 11021

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